Tuesday, October 23, 2018

8 Traits that any Future CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant Must Have

More than knowledge and skills, CNAs need to have the right qualities for the job. It’s not enough that you know how to do the tasks that are expected of you, you also need to develop character traits that will make you an effective nursing aide. After all, you’re not just performing a regular 9-5, you’re caring for living, breathing people.

If you’re thinking of becoming a CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant someday, here’s a list of the 8 traits that you need to have.

A Big Heart

As a CNA, you’ll be dealing with hurting patients every day. Even if you’re at the top of your class, you’ll have a hard time getting through to your patients if you don’t have a natural compassion for people. Plus points if you’re a CNA with a big heart AND a sense of humor. Because if you can make patients laugh or at least feel more at ease, it will be easier for you to accomplish your tasks.

A Clear Purpose

Just ask anyone working in the medical field how they got there in the first place, and they will probably tell you that caring for people is their calling. Same goes with CNAs. It’s not a dream or ambition that just popped up out of nowhere. Working with sick and hurting people every single day is more than just work. It’s a vocation.

Quick To Adapt

A nursing aide’s life is packed with all sorts of challenges. One day you can be changing bedding, the next, you can be assisting a nurse with patients. CNAs need to be quick on their feet and have the ability to adapt to any situation that comes their way.

Excellent Work Ethic

Because nursing assistants play a crucial role in delivering care to patients, you need to have an excellent sense of worth ethic to be able to do your part. Some days will drain life out of you, but that doesn’t give you any reason to take it out on the patients.

Attention To Detail

Every little detail counts when it comes to caring for patients. Since you’ll be spending more time with them than nurses or doctors, it’s up to you watch out for signs that tell you something’s wrong.

Communication Skills

You’ll be talking to all sorts of people every day so it’s also important that you have strong communication skills to process information and get your thoughts across. You’ll never know when a patient’s life depends on it.

Physically Fit

A CNA’s job can be physically exhausting with all the lifting, running, pushing, carrying and standing that happens during a 10-12 hour shift. You also need to set a good example to your patients by exercising regularly and eating healthy.

Strong Emotionally

A CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant’s job doesn’t end there. Aside from being physically fit, you also need to be emotionally strong to be an effective nursing aide. You’ll meet patients who are scared or in pain every day so you need to be emotionally and mentally prepared to take care of them.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 766-0929

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8 Traits that any Future CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant Must Have posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What to Look for In CNA Programs Near Me

Image may contain: 15 people, people smilingStudying to become a Certified Nursing Assistant or CNA gives you a chance to help improve the quality of life of patients suffering from different illnesses. Your assignments may vary depending on where you would like to seek employment, whether in hospices, residential nursing care facilities, retirement homes, assisted-living facilities, hospitals, or clinics.

There are also various nursing education institutions where you can choose to get your certification from. The most logical choices would, of course, be those that are located near you and are easily accessible. Apart from location, there are other important considerations for you to take note of.

Search for CNA Programs Near Me

When you do your research on where you would like to start pursuing your career as a CNA, you will find that there are quite a great number of CNA schools in Houston that offer CNA certification. As you examine and evaluate your options, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Accreditation – look for a school that has the necessary accreditations and licenses. This gives you a guarantee that the school observes the highest standards of training and education in the nursing industry. You will get excellent training that will help you land a job as soon as you get your CNA certification.

Getting your CNA certification from an accredited school will give you the education credits that you need should you want to pursue further studies in the medical or healthcare field. You can easily get accepted at other accredited schools to get your degree.

See to it that the school is state-approved and that the program they offer qualifies you to take and prepares you to pass a state-designated examination as a requirement for CNA certifications in Houston.

  • Certification Standards – find out if the school you are interest in fulfills the state’s certification requirements. A first-rate school will provide the academic or theoretical education that the state requires as well as hands-on training. If they do not have their own nursing or medical facility, they should have tie-ups or partnerships with one or several where their students can do their clinical rotations. Apart from this, they should also provide their students with CPR/BLS training.
  • Focused Training and Extensive Teaching Program – take a closer look at the school’s curriculum. It should cover all pertinent topics that you need to enrich your knowledge in your chosen field. Get to know the instructors and find out if they are credible and competent to teach and inspire. In a lot of cases, it’s not enough to dole out textbook lessons. They should also be able to influence and inspire their students to care for and serve their patients with a combination of skill and compassion.
  • Mode of Instruction – a lot of schools are getting more and more creative these days when it comes to how they teach their students. Conventional lectures and teacher presentations are supplemented with multi-media learning materials, simulations and role-playing, and laboratory practice among others. The hands-on training that’s usually required towards the end of the program should also prepare you for stints in long-term care facilities, hospitals, and other healthcare settings where your services will be needed.
  • Affordability – this is something that is considered by anyone who plans to pursue higher education. The nursing school should have reasonable fees and offer payment plan options to its enrollees. You have to look for low cost CNA classes in Houston that provide high quality instruction and training and that are conducted in state of the art facilities.

Do not settle for just any CNA classes near you. Make sure that the nursing school you choose more than adequately equips and prepares you for a thriving career where you can excel and make a difference in the lives of your patients.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 766-0929

The post What to Look for In CNA Programs Near Me appeared first on CNA | Consolidated Nurse Aide Training.

What to Look for In CNA Programs Near Me posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Looking for CNA Schools in Houston?

Want to get CNA Certified?Becoming a certified nursing assistant, also known as a CNA, can be a potentially rewarding career move for people of all ages. Whether you are a young person looking for an entry level job or an experienced person looking for a career shift, being a nursing aide can turn out to be the right move for you. Are you looking for CNA schools in Houston? Perhaps you should consider enrolling here at Consolidated Nursing Aide Training Center.

One of the best things about being a nursing aide is that you can apply to become one even if you don’t have any relevant experience in the nursing profession. Even those who are just fresh from graduating from high school or those looking for a career switch can start right away. However, if you want to get the most out of this career opportunity, it is highly recommended that you get certification. You can become certified by completing a nursing aide course from certified CNA schools in Houston, TX.

Here are some of the advantages that you can get from enrolling in certified CNA programs in Houston, TX.

  1. Better employment rates – Certified nursing assistants have much better employment rates than those who are not certified. The rationale here is obvious; CNAs have received appropriate training and are better equipped to perform the responsibilities of nursing assistants. Becoming certified means you have a better chance of getting hired and possibly get better employment opportunities in the long term.
  1. Learn needed skills – Beyond added employment opportunities, enrolling in CNA classes in Houston, TX provides you with all the skills you need to become the best nursing aide you can possibly be. In these classes, you can learn the basics such as life support, inpatient and outpatient care, and basic nursing procedures, among other vital skills. Enrolling in CNA school can provide you with the necessary competencies that all nursing assistants must learn.
  1. More career opportunities – Becoming a CNA provides people with all kinds of opportunities to improve their careers. There is an abundance of jobs available for certified nursing aides. From hospitals to senior homes, there is a real need for nursing aides, and they will hire anyone who can provide these services at a competent level. Beyond employment, you can use being a CNA as a springboard to a more lucrative career in nursing or in a different medical field.

If you are looking for the best CNA schools in Houston, you cannot go wrong with enrolling here at Consolidated Nurse Aide Training Institute. We have both high-end facilities and trained professionals that will help you learn about the nuances of becoming a certified nursing assistant. Our CNA course is completed within 3 weeks, with classes from Monday to Friday. Our classes are offered throughout the year, so you can apply for our CNA programs any time you want. Once the course is completed, you will get your certification, which you can use for applications in any facility where nursing assistants are needed.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 766-0929

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Looking for CNA Schools in Houston? posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Why Should You Train as a Nurse Aide?

Free stock photo of buildings, garden, grass, lawnThese days, CNA schools in Houston are being established left and right. Thanks to an increased demand for certified nurse aides both in and out of the city, schools have sprouted all over Houston. So why should you train as a nurse aide? Here are some of the best reasons why this career can turn out to be the best career choice that you can make.

1. It can be a gateway to more opportunities

Being a certified nursing assistant can open up all kinds of opportunities for you. You can later train to become a nurse, become registered, and play a bigger role in the nursing profession. You can also enter other health care courses and become a health care professional in your chosen field. Being a nurse aide will equip you with much-needed experience and skills that will help take your career to the next level.

2. It is a career with high demand

The demand for nursing aides is actually increasing both in the USA and beyond. With communities worldwide aiming to improve the delivery of health care services, the recruitment of more nursing aides is expected to further increase in the coming years. Trends in the medical profession, such as the aging of baby boomers, has also made the recruitment of competent nursing aides a necessity. Enrolling in CNA schools in Houston, TX will give you the opportunity to cash into this demand.

3. Flexible schedules and competitive salary

One of the best things about being a nurse aide is it provides a great career opportunity that pays well while having a flexible schedule. Flexible schedules provide nursing aides with enough time to study, work, or take care of their families. Also, a certified nursing assistant is known to earn a competitive salary. Their salaries are often more than enough to purchase daily necessities and even make savings for future ventures.

4. Challenging work environment

Enrolling in CNA programs in Houston provides takers the opportunity to start a career in a challenging working environment. Being a nursing assistant is a challenging profession, a career that will develop the person’s skills and character. Nursing aides can also choose to work in different work environments, which include hospitals, nursing homes, hospice centers, clinics, and home care. If you want a satisfying career, becoming a CNA is an enticing option.

5. Being certified provides a distinct advantage

While anyone with the right educational credentials can apply to become a nursing aide, becoming a certified nursing assistant provides you a major edge. Those who are certified are prioritized for hiring, because certification means that you received the appropriate training to play the numerous roles of a nursing aide. This is why if you want to become a nursing assistant, it is recommended that you get CNA training in Houston, TX from an accredited training facility.

If you are looking for CNA Schools in Houston, you came to the right place. We can help you become the best nursing assistant possible, become certified, and have a long and fruitful career in this field.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 766-0929

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Why Should You Train as a Nurse Aide? posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Saturday, April 28, 2018

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Monday, April 23, 2018

5 Reasons Why You Should Become A Nurse Aide?

cna career pathWhen it comes to choosing a rewarding career, you will rarely find a career as rewarding as that in the healthcare and medicine industry. Having the power and the means to help someone in a life-threatening situation can make you feel more satisfied and fulfilled about your career decision.

Every year, there is an increasing demand for people with the qualifications to work in the healthcare industry. Hospitals are often found suffering from a lack of qualified personnel to support and provide personalized care for patients.

Hospitals are always on the lookout for more qualified personnel, there’s no better time to get started in this exciting, growing, and respective industry.

Here are five reasons why you should consider becoming a certified nurse assistant (CNA):

1. In-Demand Career

The health care sector is one of the busiest and largest employers in the US. Each year there is a growing demand for health-related open positions, but surprisingly medical universities and training institutions don’t see enough demand from the students looking to get into this high-demand public sector, but this will likely change in the near future.

According to the most recent reports, the healthcare industry has just become the largest employer in the U.S. surpassing manufacturing and retail industries, who were previously the drive force of the economy and the job market.

Which makes this the best time to learn the necessary skills to work in a profession with high possibilities of employment.

2. Good Salary

It is obvious that we all want to pursue a job or a career that pay decent and livable wages without having to work long stressful hours and have a good life/work balance. A certified nurse aide can typically expect to earn around $45,000 per year, or more depending on her qualifications.

Not only that, but a CNA position may sometimes come with many other social benefits to make it all worth your while.

3. Endless Learning Opportunities

While most people dread going to their day job simply because of the fact that all days sound similar, a nursing job is typically more challenging and every day is a a different day where you meet and interact with different patients and you get to learn a lot of valuable lessons from the various situations that you will face everyday.

As a result of this daily challenges, a nurse aide’s typical day at work can be a lot more exciting and rewarding.

4. Various Workplaces

If you we’re to ask the majority of people where nurse aides are found, most people will tell you that they’re always at hospitals. But that’s not always the case.

While nurse aides are typically found in hospitals, there are variety of other workplaces available for qualified nurse aids such as schools, charities, public organizations, pharmacies, just to name a few.

They’re not just devoted to hospitals anymore, I’m sure you have seen nurse aides before at the doctor’s office or at pharmacies, right? Meaning it’s far easier nowadays to find nurse aide job positions since they’re available at a variety of workplaces due to growing demand.

5. Rewarding Career

Do you know of any other career more rewarding than nursing? Chances are you don’t. There are very few professions out there that could make you feel good about yourself like nursing.

Nothing can be more rewarding, fulfilling, and satisfying than helping save people’s lives and being thanked for it.

These are just a few reasons why a nurse aide can be one of the most rewarding careers ever, especially suitable for people who love to help people.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 766-0929


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5 Reasons Why You Should Become A Nurse Aide? posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Friday, March 16, 2018

How Can A Career In CNA Training Benefit You?

If you’re looking for a starter career path in the medical field, there’s no better way to do it than going through a 3 week CNA training program at the CNA Training Institute.  Apart from being able to start working within a month or less of achieving your CNA certification, we thought this article was an interesting find on how a new college student is applying her CNA training education as taken from the Spencer Daily Reporter publication:

Spencer High School junior Chloe Johnson is taking her first steps to becoming an anesthesiologist while she is still in high school by getting her certified nursing assistant training.

With my CNA training, I am planning on working in a nursing home through college,” Johnson said. “I would like to go further into the medical industry. This is my first medical experience. I have also taken Mrs. Reiman’s other college courses.”

The CNA training is offered through a joint effort by SHS and Iowa Lakes Community College. The program is just one of many classes students can receive college credit for while still in high school in the medical field.

“To receive a CNA certification, my students have to do 75 hours total of class time; 30 hours are in the classroom, 15 hours are in a lab and 30 hours working in a nursing home,” SHS health science instructor Lisa Reiman said. “We go to St. Luke Lutheran Home and they work directly with residents. St. Luke is really good to us. Their staff is so helpful and they are wonderful. It works really, really well.”

Now that is a really creative way to further your career.  At the CNA Training Institute, we can help you become CNA Certified and if you’re interested in furthering your education, acquiring a job as a professional CNA after getting certified can definitely not only help you pay for further education in the medical field, but also provide you with actual working experience that will look great on your resume for your future career in advance healthcare!

CNA Training is definitely high in demand not only in the city of Houston, its in demand everywhere as noted in The Daily Sentinel Publication:

The growing need for certified nursing assistants in the Grand Valley is leading the area’s training sites to add class sessions in hopes of readying more assistants to fill the gaps.

Larchwood Inns, Western Colorado Community College and Western Colorado Area Health Education Center have all stepped up to try to train more CNAs by adding classes to what have already been available.

“It’s just always been a need,” said Georgia Hoaglund, executive director of the health education center.

For more information about CNA Training, visit our Houston office at:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 653-8145

The post How Can A Career In CNA Training Benefit You? appeared first on CNA | Consolidated Nurse Aide Training.

How Can A Career In CNA Training Benefit You? posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Get Your CNA Certification in Houston

certified nurse aide who got his cnaWant to enter the exciting and lucrative field of nursing?  You can get started now! Get certified to be a nursing assistant in Houston with this affordable training!

You can start working in hospitals, nursing homes or assisted living facilities and more once you have your CNA Certification. Being a CNA means you have the ability to work in many different facilities. Your passion can be turned into skills that allow you to truly help others and get paid to live your dreams.

There are many jobs for certified nurse assistants in Houston. There are always people who need your assistance whether they are sick or disabled. Your training is completed in two parts.

The first part of the program involves classroom learning and training. You will learn all about patient care through lectures, demonstrations and audio and video presentations. In the second part of the classroom training, you actually work with patients in healthcare facilities. Clinical training is supervised by RNs who are staff members of the school. This externship allows you to work alongside other aides and nurses.

When your clinical training is done, you are then able to take the Texas State CNA exam. Once you pass the exam, you can get started on your new career.

You have the ability to make a difference and you can do this for the lives of many people who are in need of nursing care in the state of Texas. Start now to embark on your certified nurse assistant training in Houston. If you are sure that this is the field for you, the training you need is waiting for you.

The institute is licensed to offer this training to those who wish to obtain their certification. You can complete your class training and your externship in a reasonable time and you will get individual attention when you need it. Externships are limited to about 10 students so you will come away with the hands-on experience you need to get out there and start working once you have passed the exam.

Do not let your lack of transportation keep you from the training you want. The school has transportation available. So, if you do not drive or you do not have a car, do not think you cannot get the education you deserve. There are patients out there that need your compassionate care, and it is waiting for you.

Jobs are plentiful and they are also waiting for you once you complete your training. If you are not happy with the job you are in or if you are looking to get started on a meaningful career, come see about becoming a certified CNA. You can get your training completed in a few short months.

Contact the school by phone or in person to start your enrollment. You can start making a difference by embarking on your training today. Become a CAN and share your passion with patients who need you.

Contact Us At:

140 Eldridge Road # G, Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: (832) 653-8145

The post Get Your CNA Certification in Houston appeared first on CNA | Consolidated Nurse Aide Training.

Get Your CNA Certification in Houston posted first on https://cnatraininginstitute.blogspot.com/